julie boulton


Experienced. Passionate.


I am a driven, experienced and highly enthusiastic sustainability strategist, with a wide set of skills - advice and policy development, research and analysis, education and training, facilitation, stakeholder engagement, monitoring and evaluation and communication - that I use to drive deep, positive impact for people and planet.

With a background in big picture policy development, (federal government, NGOs and academia), I apply my analytical and research skills to collaboratively and creatively co-design solutions with clients. I use my knowledge of systems thinking to ensure change is transformational and generational (long term).

I work across all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on the implementation of the framework and the progress the world is making. I have a particular interest in SDG 12, Responsible Consumption and Production (for me, this is the issue). Addressing SDG 12 is particularly relevant for the fashion and textile industry in Australia. I conduct research and provide analysis and advice (I am a member of the Product Stewardship Scheme Reference Group, co-ordinated by the Australian Fashion Council) on the shifts that are required across the system of fashion and textiles in order to meet the targets set under SDG 12. Focused more on communities, I sit on the board of the Canberra Environment Centre where I assist in designing and facilitating workshops on sustainability for primary school children (change starts by experiencing and understanding planet and people).

I hope that a part of what I do assists with shifting our beliefs around what we can and should do for the future of our planet (remember the little engine that could - “I think I can!”). Stories engage us and are. perhaps, .just a little bit magical, and we need to spread more of the good ones! As the co-host of a locally produced podcast, Environment Heroes, I have the privilege of uncovering a raft of new ideas and stories of amazing people who are making our world a happier and healthier place. I also write about sustainability (and some other random thoughts) @ Medium.

All of that being said, I’m the first to admit that I do not have all the answers, nor am I a perfectly sustainable being. I’m trying though and. my theory of change is that if, every day, I do some good then it will add up to being better. And that is what I want. To be better for me. To be better for others. To be better for our planet.